Medaka fish mitochondrial enriched cells ammonium-dependent sodium absorption

Zebrafish is a model animal for ion transport and development research, but it is a narrow-salt fish, and medaka is a wide-salt fish, another fish model animal that can provide comprehensive biological information. In 1983, when scientists studied the absorption of Na + / Cl- in freshwater fish, they found that Na + and NH4 + exchanged in the gills. Since then, many studies have focused on Na + absorption and NH4 + efflux mechanisms. However, after a long debate, there are still inconsistent conclusions. In 2010, scientists in Taiwan used "non-damaging micro-measurement technology" to measure the flow rates of H +, Na + and NH4 + of mitochondrial enriched cells (MRCs) on the surface of medaka fish skin, and found that Na + / H + exchanger (NHE) and Na + Related to NH3 / NH4 + transport. Increasing the concentration of extracellular NH4 + can significantly inhibit NH3 / NH4 + secretion and Na + absorption. On the contrary, increasing the acidity of the solution (pH7 to pH6) can enhance the absorption of NH3 / NH4 + and the secretion of Na + by the cells. The study also learned through in situ hybridization and fluorescence quantitative PCR that the Medaka fish mitochondrial enriched cells in low Na + environment, Na + / H + converter mRNA gene (slc9a3) and rhesus monkey glycoprotein genes (Rhcg1 and Rhb ) Expression decreases. Studies have shown that there is a new type of Na + / NH4 + conversion pathway at the apical membrane of MRCs. NHE and Rh glycoproteins participate together. Rh glycoprotein may drive NHE by generating an H + gradient across the apical membrane of MRCs. The results obtained by the non-invasive micro-testing technique provide direct and convincing evidence for this study. The absorption of Na + and the efflux of NH3 / NH4 + are achieved through the MRCs of freshwater fish. The absorption mechanism is different. Keywords: Na + / H + exchanger, osmoregulation, gills, ionocytes Reference: Wu SC, et al. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 298: C237- C250, 2010

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